The Secret to Creating

I have read a lot of self-help books.  Why?  Because they are fun and always teach me something new about myself and reflect how I am currently viewing the world.

One thing I have tried over the last few years, and continue to do today, is to take action...even when I don’t “feel like it.”  Now to be clear, do I do this all the time? Of course not.  I’m only human after all.  But if there is something I need to get done (cleaning the house, looking for a wedding venue), I take action and start working.  Even if it feels like I am getting nowhere from lack of motivation, I am actually getting something done.  Plus, it gets me motivated to take more action.

So why then should it be different for anything that involves creativity? A part of the reason I looked so much at self-help books in the last years is I wanted to find a way to work on my occasional artist block.  Yes, that dreaded, self-destructive force all artists and creative folk have to deal with.  I would cover my walls with quotes from my books; highlighting and rewriting certain areas to make them stand out more.  I would be so excited one week with a piece of advice, and then the next week frustrated because it wasn’t working anymore.  There had to be a better piece of advice to help my poor inner artist. 

As if bitten by a magic muse fairy, I finally got an understanding that would continue to help me day after day for the last few years.  It is only by taking action that will help you move forward

Really?! It was as simple as that!  If I only painted when I understood exactly what I was going to paint, I would never paint anything.  If I only worked out when I was in the absolute perfect mood, I would weigh 250 pounds and watch Family Guy reruns all day. 

“Being ready” is just a state of mind.  Even if you are carving the statue of David and absolutely need to be in the right frame of mind, get yourself into that state of mind.  Sweep the floors, organize your brushes…hell, when was the last time you cleaned your studio?  I’m not saying you need to work all the time.  Even making yourself step away from your canvas from time to time is taking action.  

In my next blog I will discuss effective ways to take action, and how they can be applied towards anything you want to work on in life.