What a Bulldog and a Dove have to do with making your Art Great

There was a professor I had a few years ago that talked about using the Dove and Bulldog approach to learning.  We were going to cut copper that day with a jeweler’s saw.  He said in order to learn how to use the saw efficiently, you had to learn two methods: the bulldog and the dove.

The Dove:  The dove method is very soft, and very delicate.  Oftentimes when we first try something we resort to using this method without even thinking about it.  We don’t want to break anything, or even worse, mess up. This method is great for starting because we really are trying; we are just not sure how far you can push what you are doing.  Once you are able to, it is time to gradually push what you are doing to the Bulldog stage.

The Bulldog:  Anyone who loves, or doesn’t love, bulldogs know that they are anything but elegant.  I don’t care how adorable your little Fiona is, she is a sloppy and stubborn bulldog.  When we finally got comfortable with the dove approach, it became time to really test the strength of these saws.  By this we had to break the saw.  “How far can I push this until...shit!  The stupid saw broke!  Wait...I can replace the saw.  Alright, let’s try this again with a little less...damnit!  Oh wait, I think I am getting it…”

This could go on for hours…days.  It can be frustrating and nerve racking.  But it can also be the best thing to help you move forward.  Go ahead, give it a try!